Client Duties

Domestic or Commercial

CDM 2015 defines a client as anyone for whom a construction project is carried out. The regulations apply to both domestic and commercial clients.


You are a domestic client if you are having work carried out which is not connected with running a business. Usually, this means arranging for work to be carried out on the property where you or a family member lives.

Domestic clients are in scope of CDM 2015 but their duties as a client are normally transferred to:

  • the contractor, on a single contractor project


  • the principal contractor, on a project involving more than one contractor.

However, the domestic client can choose to have a written agreement for the architect / principal designer to carry out the client duties

Speak with your contactor, if you feel your contractor may not have the time or resource, to take on these duties, you can appoint us to carry out these for you.


A commercial client is an organisation or individual for whom a construction project is carried out in connection with a business, whether the business operates for profit or not.

Examples of commercial clients are schools, retailers and landlords, developers etc.

Commercial clients must make suitable arrangements for managing a project.

This includes making sure that:

  • other duty holders are appointed
  • sufficient time and resources are allocated.

Clients must also make sure that:

  • relevant information is prepared and provided to other duty holders
  • the principal designer and principal contractor carry out their duties
  • welfare facilities are provided.
  • F10 Notification to HSE

Contact us today to discuss your project requirements.